Uncover exactly how to get more ENERGY, HAPPINESS, & PURPOSE in YOUR LIFE with your Personalized Life Map

1000s of people have used LIA to set goals and get unstuck. 


Get a complete Life Inventory Assessment.

Do you feel it's time for a change? Find out where to start making changes in 15 minutes or less.
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What People Have to Say:

Alexandra Tataryn


"This process is unbelievable. Usually things like this are really cool and energizing, but the buzz wears off. This process is easily one of the most useful life mapping tools I've ever seen."

Joseph Cash, PhD.

Director of School Performance at Mountain Education Charter High School


"This was a wonderful confirmation of those things that have shifting around in my life. The area that I most need to massage and take proactive steps to is one that I have largely avoided and even prided myself in over-focusing in other areas. I see this as a nudge towards necessary recalibration. I highly recommend this instrument."


Krista Ford

 Paramedic, Mom, Entrepreneur

 "I discovered areas of my life that I realized I needed to let go of. Within weeks of making some small changes, a whole new world opened to me."


To what degree are you living your purpose? 



Your self-awareness is power.

Find your way to a happier, more fulfilled you. 

Your Magic Mirror 

Are you feeling like it's time for a change?

If you had access to a magic mirror that gave you a true reflection of your current life and insight into where you are headed, would you look?

With the Life Inventory Assessment, magic meets science to provide you: 

  • a Life Map, a clear and honest view of exactly what's filling you up and what's dragging you down.
  • your blind spots (the patterns working against you that you can't see).
  • your focus point (your most significant opportunities to live more fully or get unstuck). 


"When you're feeling overwhelmed by multiple life responsibilities and unable to prioritize effectively, assess and categorize your life areas to get clear on what is truly important - then you can focus your energy on the most critical aspects and reduce stress"

Maurice Thibodeau, Co-creator of the Life Inventory Assessment

Want to Be Clear On How to Get Where You Want to Go?


The one constant among all the chaos that life can deliver, is YOU.  

In the Life Inventory Assessment, you take a precise measure of your life guiding you to what those measures show.

A clear picture of where to focus and a guiding direction for your next steps.

Discovering your Path to Fulfillment:

How the Life Inventory Assessment Works.

Step 1: Reflect on your Journey

First things first, the LIA encourages you to take a step back and reflect on your life as it stands. Imagine pressing pause on your busy day and giving yourself the gift of time to think deeply about where you are. This isn’t about judgment; it’s about understanding. What are your current feelings about your career, relationships, and personal growth? This step is like looking in the mirror, seeing your true self, and acknowledging where you are starting from.

Step 2: Identify Key Areas of Focus 

Next, the LIA guides you to pinpoint specific areas that need attention. Have you ever tried to juggle too many things at once? It’s overwhelming and often ineffective. By focusing on a few key areas, you can make meaningful progress. Whether it’s your health, career, or personal relationships, the LIA helps you zero in on what truly matters to you.


Step 3: Gain Insight through Thoughtful Questions:

The LIA uses a series of thoughtful questions to dig deeper into each area of focus. Think of it as having a heart-to-heart with a wise friend who asks just the right questions to get you thinking. These questions aren’t just surface-level; they prompt you to explore your beliefs, desires, and the obstacles that might be holding you back.


Step 4: Crafting Your Action Plan:

Once you’ve gathered your insights, it’s time to turn them into action. The LIA helps you create a personalized action plan through a comprehensive 80 page report that provides recommendations. Picture this: you’ve mapped out your journey, and now you’re setting specific, achievable goals to move forward. This isn’t about grand gestures; it’s about small, manageable steps that lead to significant life changes.


Get Started

Like stepping into a photo-booth to take a snapshot of your life.

Includes your interactive LifeMapLife Health Dashboards, and video instruction on how to action your results.

Get a Life Map Report

Why is it so easy to fall out of alignment?


We are living in an environment of overloading information, competing priorities, and meticulously designed distractions.

And that's not even including the fact that we are masters at getting in our own way.

It's easy to get off track and spread too thin. 


The Life Inventory System provides a fast, reliable, way to separate from the chaos, accurately reflect on your life, and align your daily decisions with what most serves you. 

Slow down and listen to the wisest person you know.




The alignment of what is right for you can only be defined by you. 

You are a perfectly flawed and complex being.


No matter what is happening around you, looking within, and getting clarity of who you are and what's most important will serve you to make better choices.  


Your clarity and alignment

are what this life tool helps you to see.



What Is The Life Inventory System?

The Life Inventory Systems is a comprehensive online diagnostic system that measures and prioritizes each of your 13 life categories across five key elements, giving insight into:  

  •  How aligned you are in how you spend your time.
  •  Your capacity to achieve what you desire.
  •  How you are showing up to your life opportunity.
  •  The state of your emotional health.
  •  And what your current level of fulfillment is.

The 13 life categories are:  Work, Health & Fitness, Leisure, Emotional, Finance, Spiritual Life, Parenting, Love, Social Life, Creative & Intellectual Talent, Social Contribution, & Extended Family. 




The Life Inventory is for you if you are ready to Find the Path to your Ultimate Fulfillment.


"In any given moment we have two choices: to step forward into growth, or back into safety."  

Abraham Maslow

Why Take This Now? 

"A man (or woman) who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life." 

Charles Darwin

Making the 'right' decisions is hard? 


  • You say 'yes' to too many things.
  • You feel in constant conflict with competing priorities. 
  • Stress, guilt, and indecision have become common states.


Walt Disney wisely said, "When your values are clear, your decisions are easy." 


In the LIA assessment, you define your highest priorities, making it easier to make clear decisions. 

You are constantly pushing the edges of your personal growth.

  • You love tools that make you more effective.
  • You welcome direct feedback on how you doing.   
  • If you have blind-spots, you want to see them NOW! 


The LIA assessment measures all thirteen of your life categories against the five dimensions most co-related with happiness and fulfillment. 

You crave leadership & thoughtful direction.


  • Finding the right sources to fuel your growth is daunting and overwhelming.
  • You don't have don't to be misled.
  • You value clarity and precision.


"You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." Jim Rohn

The LIA assessment directs your attention to the people and actions that will serve you to be, do, and have your greatest life. 

 Does This Actually Work?

How to Prioritize your Life Categories

Free Checklist

Free Download to Get Started on creating the change you want to see in your world. 


9 ways the Life Inventory Assessment can serve you:

  1. Specific, objective feedback on all major categories of your life.
  2. A clear measure of how you are spending your time.
  3. Direction to know where and what to focus on.
  4. The ability to track progress, growth, and regression over time.
  5.  A birdseye overview of your entire life, shown in a Life Map.
  6. Increased capability to connect and communicate in key relationships. 
  7. Greater confidence in being able to say "yes" and "no" where it matters.
  8. A clear organization of your life priorities.
  9. Direct feedback on opportunities for personal growth.

"Make sure the outside of you is a good reflection of the inside of you."

 Jim Rohn

How The Assessment Came To Be

After I made the huge life decision to leave my corporate career in 2018, I knew clearly that I wanted to use my gifts to do something significant.


In following my personal growth path, I knew how much having a consistent practice of reflection had on my life and my relationships. 


My wife and I wouldn't have thrived (or likely survived) our relationship without it. I know I wouldn't have had the courage to make the major decisions that I did along the way (like moving to the middle of no-where with three kids under 6 in 2009, and like leaving the career and work-family I'd build my life around, in 2018).  


When it came time for me to decide, "Now what?," I ultimately decided the most important thing I could do next was make this framework to other people. This was my  "next most important thing."


I dedicated my life to developing the life inventory practice in an online format, bringing the ability for people to experience it without the need for a coach's support and from the comfort of their own space. 


While working in close collaboration with emotional expert and psychologist Dr. Douglas J. Tataryn and his leading work on emotional health (also the founder of the Bio-Emotive Framework), I'm proud to say it is now here!


Maurice Thibodeau

Co-creator of the Life Inventory Assessment

Picture: Maurice Thibodeau (left)

& Dr. Douglas J. Tataryn (right)

Are You Living Out Your Life Priorities?

This is an opportunity to step back from the chaos of your life to take a measure of your life priorities and their current health.

  • Are you living in alignment with your life priorities?
  • How healthy and fulfilled is each category?
  • Do you know why and what your next steps are?

We developed this tool to help look within, the world needs you. 

Gain Awareness: Take Your Assessment

Click on the video and hear stories from clients finding direction with the Life Inventory Assessment.

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Your Time Is Now

The cost of not living in alignment with who you are and what you can be is far too high. The entire world loses when you aren't stepping into your purpose. Choose you. End the Struggle.

Take an Inventory of Your Life Now