The Details Of Your Life Revealed With Complete Clarity

The Life Inventory Assessment brings you deeper awareness, allowing you to see all the aspects of your life in a single view.

Get Your Life Inventory Assessment

FREE DOWNLOAD: Life Health Quiz

Read about the four elements that directly impact happiness - along with the story of how the application of them has transformed my life.

      See Your Life Map

      LIA provides the insight you have been looking for to help you move forward, faster, toward your ideal self.

      Get your Life Map


      "This was a wonderful confirmation of those things that have shifted around in my life. The area that I most need to massage and take proactive steps to is one that I have largely avoided and even prided myself in over-focusing in other areas. I see this as a nudge towards necessary recalibration. I highly recommend this instrument."

      Joseph Cash, PhD.
      Director of School Performance at Mountain Education Charter High School

      Gain The Power Of Awareness


      When you live in high awareness you put yourself in the driver's seat of your life.

      You are most able to design your life to experience joy, and create meaningful impact. 

      "This process is unbelievable. Usually things like this are really cool and energizing, but the buzz wears off. This process is easily one of the most useful life mapping tools I've ever seen."

      Alexandra Tataryn  - Artist, Coach, Entrepreneur 


      "I discovered areas of my life that I realized I needed to let go of. Within weeks of making some small changes, a whole new world opened for me"

      Krista Ford
      Paramedic, Mom, Entrepreneur

      Identify Your Highest Areas for Growth  

      Walt Disney said: "When your values are clear, your decisions are easy."

      In this self-assessment, by asking the right deep dive questions, you quickly gain awareness that helps you make better life decisions. 

      When you are clear on what you value most, that knowledge becomes your power.

      The Life Inventory Assessment helps you to tap into that power.

      "It has changed my view on life and given me the strength to work towards being seen."

      Kellie Ross
      HR Professional, Author

      Get Direct Life Insights On Where To Go Next  

      Use the LIA Life Inventory Assessment to get clear on where to go next. Use the highlighted areas to identify where to spend areas that can be improved to live a more fulfilling life. 

      FREE DOWNLOAD: Life Health Quiz

      Read about the four elements that directly impact happiness - along with the story of how the application of them has transformed my life.

          See Your Life Map

          LIA provides the insight you have been looking for to help you move forward, faster, toward your ideal self.

          Get your Life Map Now


          50% Complete

          Two Step

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